首先你需要保存下面的代码,后缀为“.py”即可,比如“aizhan.py”,第二步,就是处理你的需求,把需要抓取的网址,列一列保存为一个url.txt的文件,同aizhan.py文件放到同一个文件夹下。第三步就是最终解决问题了,打开终端进入到当前文件夹下,输入python aizhan.py即可在屏幕看到数据依次的被抓去下来,保存的文件叫weight.csv。需要强调的是,最好找台Mac苹果笔记本运行该代码,因为windows需要安装python环境变量,显得不值当。目前能够抓取的数据包括网址的PR、PC来路最大值、移动来路最大值、PC关键词数量、移动关键词数量。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
import re
import json
import time
def get_url():
''' 从 url.txt 中获取要查询的 url 地址 '''
with open('url.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f.xreadlines():
yield line
def get_html(url):
''' 获取页面 html 内容 '''
url = 'http://baidurank.aizhan.com/baidu/{url}/'.format(url=url)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.text
def get_from(html):
''' 获取来路 '''
p = '<span class="red">\d+ ~ (\d+)</span>IP'
m = re.findall(p, html)
if m:
ret = m[0]
ret = None
return ret
def get_total(html, domain):
''' 获取总收录数 '''
p = "url:'http://www.aizhan.com/ajaxAction/shoulu3.php',.*?success"
m = re.findall(p, html, re.S)
if m:
html = m[0]
p_ = "data:{.*?cc:'(.*?)',rn:'(.*?)'},"
m_ = re.findall(p_, html)
if m_:
cc = m_[0][0]
rn = m_[0][1]
data = dict(domain=domain, cc=cc, rn=rn)
url = 'http://www.aizhan.com/ajaxAction/shoulu3.php?domain={domain}&cc={cc}&rn={rn}'.format(**data)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
return json.loads(r.text).get('baidu_0days', 0)
def get_word_count(html, domain):
''' 获取总词数 '''
p = 'url:"http://baidurank.aizhan.com/api/wordlocation",.*?success'
m = re.findall(p, html, re.S)
pcwl = None
mwl = None
if m:
html = m[0]
p_ = "data:{.*?ajaxKey:'(.*?)',rn:'(.*?)'},"
m_ = re.findall(p_, html)
if m_:
ajaxKey = m_[0][0]
rn = m_[0][1]
data = dict(domain=domain, ajaxKey=ajaxKey, rn=rn)
url = 'http://baidurank.aizhan.com/api/wordlocation?domain={domain}&ajaxKey={ajaxKey}&rn={rn}'.format(**data)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
data = json.loads(r.text)
pcwl = data.get('pcWL')[0]
mwl = data.get('mWL')[0]
return pcwl, mwl
def get_data(html, url):
''' 获取需要的 html 块 '''
p = '<td class="tablehead">(.*?)</td>(.*?)</td>'
m = re.findall(p, html, re.S)
pc = None
mobile = None
title = None
for o in m:
if len(o) == 2:
title = o[0].encode('utf-8')
if title == '(PC端)来路':
pc = get_from(o[1])
elif title == '(移动)来路':
mobile = get_from(o[1])
total = get_total(html, url)
if total:
total = total.replace(',', '')
pcwl, mwl = get_word_count(html, url)
return dict(url=url, pc=pc, mobile=mobile, total=total, pcwl=pcwl, mwl=mwl)
def main():
with open('weight.csv', 'w+') as f:
f.write('url pc 来路,移动来路,总收录,pc 总词数,移动总词数\n')
for url in get_url():
url = url.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
html = get_html(url)
s = '{url},{pc},{mobile},{total},{pcwl},{mwl}\n'
if html:
print s.format(**get_data(html, url))
f.write(s.format(**get_data(html, url)))
if __name__ == '__main__':